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TRX or CrossFit: Which one Is Better for Pregnant Women?

by WhichOne   ·  11 months ago   ·  

Exercise is crucial during pregnancy for both mom and baby’s health. But with many limitations on intensity and certain moves, choosing the right workout program can be tricky.


Exercise is crucial during pregnancy for both mom and baby’s health. But with many limitations on intensity and certain moves, choosing the right workout program can be tricky. Two popular options are TRX and CrossFit. But which is truly better for pregnant women? Here’s an in-depth look at the pros and cons of each for prenatal fitness.

TRX for Pregnant Women

TRX (Total Resistance Exercise) suspension training uses bodyweight exercises on straps suspended from anchor points. It provides an effective, low-impact workout that can be easily modified for pregnancy.

Benefits of TRX for Pregnant Women

  • Works major muscle groups to maintain strength
  • Bodyweight nature avoids external load on joints
  • Easy to modify intensity by changing body position
  • Low injury risk from no weights or jumps
  • Engages core and improves balance

According to a 2021 study, TRX training 2-3 times per week significantly reduced back pain for pregnant women while improving quality of life.

Potential Drawbacks of TRX for Pregnant Women

  • Limited cardio/HIIT benefit
  • Must avoid exercises lying on back after first trimester
  • Not suitable for high intensity needs of elite athletes

Overall, TRX is a pregnancy-safe and effective option for strength and stability. But modifications are needed to maximize benefits and avoid risks.

CrossFit for Pregnant Women

CrossFit is a high-intensity strength and conditioning program utilizing weights, bodyweight exercises, and cardio. It has grown increasingly popular with women looking to stay fit during pregnancy.

TRX or CrossFit Which one

Benefits of CrossFit for Pregnant Women

  • Maintains high fitness levels for athletes
  • Builds cardiovascular endurance
  • Includes strength training for labor preparation
  • Provides community and accountability

A 2022 survey of over 500 women found that 96% of those who continued CrossFit while pregnant had positive experiences and healthy deliveries.

Potential Drawbacks of CrossFit for Pregnant Women

  • Higher injury risk from weights, jumps, etc.
  • Difficulty modifying high intensity
  • Potentially dangerous abdominal exercises
  • Higher exertion may not be recommended

There are many restrictions required to make CrossFit pregnancy-safe regarding weights, movements, and intensity. So it can be difficult to reap the advertised benefits.

Recommendations for Pregnant Women

Ultimately, the best workout program depends on your individual needs and current fitness level. Here are some general recommendations:

For beginners or normal fitness levels: TRX is likely the safer and more easily modified option. Focus on maintaining strength and stability.

For previously highly active women: With modifications, continuing CrossFit may be appropriate for staying conditioned. But consult your doctor and listen to your body.

For all: Focus on low-impact cardio like swimming, walking, and stationary cycling. And incorporate pelvic floor strengthening, balance exercises, and stretching.

Other Considerations

  • Hydrate well before, during, and after workouts
  • Avoid exercising lying flat on back after first trimester
  • Monitor intensity – can talk but not sing during exercise
  • Wear a supportive bra and proper footwear
  • Eat a healthy diet with extra calories – about 300 more per day

The Bottom Line

While both TRX and CrossFit offer effective workouts for pregnant women, TRX carries lower risks and is more easily adapted to prenatal needs. But with individual factors considered and modifications made, continuing CrossFit is possible for some women under doctor supervision.

The most important thing is choosing an exercise program you enjoy and can stick to consistently throughout your pregnancy. Focus on listening to your body so both you and baby stay as healthy and strong as possible.


Why is exercise important during pregnancy?

Exercise during pregnancy provides many benefits for both mother and baby, including maintaining a healthy weight, reducing back pain, improving sleep, boosting energy and mood, preparing the body for labor, and promoting proper fetal development.

When should you avoid exercising while pregnant?

You should avoid exercise when you have any warning signs like vaginal bleeding, regular contractions prior to 37 weeks, leaking amniotic fluid, chest pain, headache, muscle weakness, preeclampsia, etc. Always consult a doctor first.

Are there exercises pregnant women should not do?

Yes, avoid exercises that require lying flat on your back after the first trimester, involve jerky/bouncy motions that could destabilize joints, require intense abdominal work, or pose high risk of falling or abdominal trauma.

How can TRX and CrossFit be modified for pregnancy?

Use lower intensity, avoid high impact/explosive moves, substitute crunches for safer core moves, avoid lifting heavy weights, don’t allow full abdominal coning, and monitor perceived exertion levels.

Can previously sedentary women safely start TRX or CrossFit while pregnant?

Beginning a new intensive workout regimen during pregnancy is not recommended. Start low intensity and focus on stability, balance, and strength. Build up gradually and consult your doctor.

What should someone look for in a prenatal fitness class or trainer?

Look for classes/trainers specifically certified in prenatal fitness, with knowledge of modifications for each stage of pregnancy and experience safely coaching pregnant women. Smaller classes are ideal.

What precautions should pregnant women take when exercising?

Stay hydrated, wear supportive footwear, monitor intensity with perceived exertion scale, avoid overheating, maintain proper form and alignment, stop activity if feeling faint/dizzy, and know emergency contacts and route to hospital.

When should exercise be stopped during pregnancy?

Stop immediately if you experience bleeding, regular contractions before 37 weeks, amniotic fluid leak, nausea, headache, chest pain, decreased fetal movement, or other abnormal warning sign – and consult your doctor.


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